CBD 101

why CBD?
CBD is derived from the Hemp plant and has many benefits. CBD is all natural and can be combined with other natural ingredients to create unique products that improve your life. CBD oil is not marijuana and does not make you high. Some of our products contain .3% THC which is the legal limit set by the "Farm Bill", this again is not psychoactive. This is a Full Spectrum process that can include other cannabinoids from the plant. Every product we have is legal nationwide per the "Farm Bill". The benefits from CBD being used as a supplement are being discovered everyday.
How Does CBd work?
CBD (cannabidiol) is found in the Hemp plant along with other cannabinoids. There are many cannabinoids found in the hemp plant and we are still discovering all the benefits. CBG, CBN, and many many more. These Cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system that we have in our bodies. This system regulates homeostasis in the body. It is a perfect fit! Our bodies make cannabinoids and they are found in the hemp plant. By supplementing we can support our bodies. The industry is discovering the benefits of CBD every day. We have USDA approved products that can improve your life.